Non-ratable Disease Element

A non-ratable disease element is that portion of an advisory rate that accounts a specific disease being covered.

A nonratable disease element is that portion of an advisory rate that accounts for a specific disease being covered. Black Lung Disease, Asbestosis, and Silicosis are examples.  The industries most commonly associated with disease exposures are coal mine operations, quarry operations, foundries, and sandblasting. 

Reference Basic Manual Rule BM‐SUPD‐D0915.

Premium generated from a non-ratable disease element does not apply to the assigned risk surcharge of 30%, and is not applicable to the experience modification (reference Statistical Plan – 2008 Edition, Rule 3-N and Rule 6-H-2).

The non-ratable disease element portion of a class code rate is included when calculating the premium for increased limits for Employers Liability insurance.

Example breakout of non-ratable disease elements for Code 1005, advisory rate effective 01/01/2020:

Disease Element Total.82
Federal Portion.80
State Portion.02