The employer’s Unemployment ID Number is a field requested (not required) on the IAIABC EDI POC reporting format.
Unemployment ID Number
The employer’s Unemployment ID Number is a field requested (not required) on the IAIABC EDI POC reporting format adopted by the WC Board of Indiana effective 1/1/98. Because of this electronic reporting, carriers no longer need to submit the Board’s proof of insurance card (State Form 21343, No. 18-A). According to the WC Board, NCCI’s circular POC-98-02 dated February 28, 1998 is incorrect. The Unemployment ID Number field is optional for Indiana, not required. The Board does not use this number. Nor does the Board use the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code so it’s also optional.
Indiana Department of Workforce Development
A carrier may call the Indiana Department of Workforce Development at 317.232.7678 to get an employer’s already assigned number. An employer may obtain its unemployment number from the Indiana Department of Workforce Development, Employer Account Maintenance Section at 317-232-7436 or 232-5811 or 232-7427. The general number at the Indiana Department of Workforce Development is 232-6702. Outside of central Indiana, the toll free number is 800-437-9136. Information received from Brent Smith, Indiana Department of Workforce Development, 9/25/97.
Abbreviations: IAIABC = International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
EDI = Electronic Data Interchange
POC = Proof of Coverage
Withholding TTD Compensation
In May, 1998, the Indiana Court of Appeals found that payment of temporary total disability (TTD) compensation may be withheld where an employee has obtained unemployment compensation for the same period of time for which TTD is sought. In the case of Ballard v. Book Heating and Cooling, Inc. (1998) Ind. App 696N.E.2d.55, the court stated: “As Ballard was bound to establish that he was physically able to work in order to receive unemployment compensation under IC 22-4-14-3, it logically follows that he may not also claim that he was incapacitated from his work related injury, with the expectation of receiving workers compensation benefits for that same period of time.”
The Indiana Code is available on the State of Indiana website.